Safe, Effective Treatment For Women’s Hair Loss In New York

Do you know that women’s hair loss is a prevalent problem? Clinical reports highlight that about 50% of women suffer hair loss during their life. Fortunately, hair transplant and restoration specialist David A. Mayer, MD, and the specialty team at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers proudly provide safe and effective treatment procedures for women’s hair loss in Hauppauge and the greater New York area. To schedule a consultation, call their office, or book online.

What Is Women’s Hair Loss?

As the word suggests, women’s hair loss is a condition whereby women lose their hair. Virtually everyone loses 50-100 strands of their hair daily, but one’s scalp usually replaces the lost strands with new ones. But if you begin to lose more hair than what’s growing, this is referred to as hair loss. The medical term for hair loss that results in baldness is alopecia.

What Is the Cause of Women’s Hair Loss?

Women’s hair loss affects females of all ages, be it girls, teens, or women. Nevertheless, some factors may put you at higher risk, for instance, having a baby, aging (above 40), family history of hair loss, or continuous chemotherapy treatment. You can also suffer from women’s hair loss if you did a hairstyle that requires you to pull the hair back tightly or wear harsh chemicals to tease or color your hair.

What Are The Symptoms of Women’s Hair Loss?

In the early stages, women’s hair loss won’t show any obvious symptoms. But as the conditions progress, you may experience smaller ponytails, clumps of hair in the sink or on the pillow, and noticeable portions of thinning hair. At times, you may realize strands of hair falling or breaking as you brush your hair.

How To Diagnose Women’s Hair Loss?

The team at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers performs a comprehensive diagnosis of your condition before structuring the most suitable treatment plan. Your provider performs physical exams, cross-checks your medical history, and discusses your symptoms, plus asks relevant questions.

Your specialist examines your scalp under a microscope, gently pulling your hair to see how many will come out, and takes a scalp biopsy for testing. If necessary, your provider may also request a series of lab tests to determine your hormone, mineral, and vitamin levels.

How To Treat Women’s Hair Loss?

Treatment for women’s hair loss varies from one patient to another, based on prevailing symptoms. If you have recently had a baby or your hair loss is because of hormonal changes, your provider may recommend clinical motioning. For those whose hair loss is because of harsh hair products or a hairstyle, you might benefit from not dying your hair or wearing your hair down.

For women’s hair loss, which doesn’t respond to more conservative procedures, your provider may recommend hair restoration with ARTAS iX robotic hair restoration system. This cutting-edge procedure leaves no scars. Besides, it offers natural-looking and lasting results.

That said, regardless of the hidden cause of your hair loss, the specialists at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers can offer a solution. To find out more about the practice, call their office today, or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment. 

About Daniel Edison

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