Oral Health Guidance: Surprising Information You Have to Know About Periodontitis

Periodontitis is commonly referred to as “the silent disease” within the dental community because more than 59% of people that have this particular disorder are completely oblivious to it, not to mention the fact that it can remain undetected for years before posing a serious issue.

Wait, what is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis and gum disease are interchangeable terminologies, and they denote the exact same thing, namely, an infection of the soft tissues that encircle and support the base of your teeth.

The primary causes of this ailment are substandard oral hygiene and a substantial accumulation of plaque around the base of the teeth, both of which cause the gum tissues and surrounding bones to become hypersensitive, fragile, and irritable with the passage of time.

How Many Australians Have Periodontitis?

Contrary to popular belief, gum disease is actually the most pervasive dental disorder in today’s day and age, but we have to portray a sequential series of statistics in order to paint a clear picture:

  • More than one in every four men suffer from some degree of periodontitis, and nearly 20% of the female population also has this condition.
  • You will become increasingly susceptible to periodontitis as you age. Only 5% of people under the age of 24 have gum disease, compared to almost 55% of those that have reached the age of 64.
  • Approximately 37% of Australians that live in isolated, secluded areas have some form of periodontitis, while roughly 23% of urban residents are afflicted. This can be largely attributed to the disparity of accessible dental care from region to region.

Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that nearly 40% of all periodontitis diagnoses are categorised as moderate or critical, which implies that hundreds of thousands of Australians are at substantial risk for losing their teeth or suffering severe bone damage.

What are the Specific Symptoms I Should Look For?

The signs and indicators of periodontitis are fairly easy to spot, but you have to know exactly what to seek out:

  • Noticeably aggravated, swollen, or engorged gum tissue
  • Worsening pain, discomfort, or aches when you brush, floss, or eat hard foods
  • Considerable bleeding when manipulating or cleaning your gums
  • Your gum line begins to retreat or withdraw from the foundation of your teeth
  • Loose or shifting teeth

If you can observe any of these manifestations, it’s very important for you to visit a local dental clinic that focuses exclusively on the treatment of gum disease and the placement of dental implants – such as Central Periodontics.

Your treatment plan will be tailored and modified to account for your unique condition, as well as your financial limitations. The goal is to utilise modernised cleaning techniques and alternative therapies to halt the regression of your bones and restore the health of your natural gum tissues, so be sure to book your initial check-up as soon as you get the chance.

About Daniel Edison

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