Lupus autoimmune disease: All you need to know!

Autoimmune diseases can cause serious complications. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack internal tissues and organs. Lupus can often be hard to diagnose because the symptoms often overlap several diseases. It can affect various organs and tissues, including kidneys, brain, heart, and lungs. If you need help or advice related to Lupus in Barker Cypress, some excellent clinics can help. In this post, we are sharing some fundamental aspects about Lupus worth knowing. 

What are the common symptoms?

Lupus can cause a variety of symptoms, but often not as apparent as other diseases. Patients with Lupus may have flare-ups occasionally, and suddenly these symptoms may vanish entirely. Some symptoms can be more permanent, while others can get better with time. The part of a patient’s body affected by Lupus may show distinct symptoms, but again, no two cases are the same. Common symptoms include fatigue, fever, unexplained pain in joints, rash on the face, headaches, chest pain, and changes in the skin. These symptoms can look similar to other conditions, which makes diagnosis hard. 

What causes Lupus?

Doctors and researchers aren’t exactly sure what causes this autoimmune disease, but it is believed to be triggered by a combination of causes. Environmental factors, like stress and fatigue, combined with genetics can trigger Lupus. If you have Lupus running in the family, you are at a higher risk of the disease. Some evidence suggests that Lupus can be caused by certain infections and hormonal changes, besides specific drugs like hydralazine. 

Do you need to see a doctor?

A butterfly-like rash on the face often characterizes Lupus, but some patients may not have any of these apparent symptoms at all. If you have evident symptoms, check with your primary care physician to know more. Lupus can cause severe damage to the kidneys and brain. Kidney failure is a major complication among lupus patients. Lupus can also put you at the risk of bleeding/blood clotting, besides causing damage to the lungs and heart.

What is the treatment for Lupus?

There is no cure for Lupus as of now. However, doctors can prescribe medications and treatments to manage the symptoms and help the patient have a better quality of life. Lifestyle changes can also help patients. Doctors usually recommend a healthy diet with the right supplements, such as vitamins. Patients are also encouraged to avoid exposure to UV light and quit smoking, which can help in minimizing the flare-ups. Treatments are usually directed to reduce inflammation triggered by the disorder and prevent further damage to organs and tissues. There is no strict diet, but experts believe that fish containing omega-3 fatty acids can help some patients. No one test or imaging procedure can diagnose Lupus. Doctors usually order blood tests and imaging tests like an echocardiogram. 

There are different types of Lupus, of which Systemic lupus erythematosus is most common. Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms to get a treatment plan that can manage your symptoms.

About Daniel Edison

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