Everything You Need to Know About TMJ/TMD

TMJ is an acronym for temporomandibular joint. This is where your jawbone and skull meet. Additionally, the joint helps you to chew and talk.

When you deal with problems related to this joint, it is known as temporomandibular common disorder TMJ. A trusted dentist can treat Commack TMJ/TMD-related pain or discomfort by determining the cause and providing proper treatment.

Remember, if you experience the symptoms, consult a doctor immediately before it creates further complications. 

How Do You Suffer From TMD?

Several factors can put you at risk of getting this dysfunction. They are as follows:

  • If you have suffered from a jaw injury that has been hurt before or has not been healed completely.
  • You are more likely to suffer from TMD if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth.
  • Arthritis in your jaw can also increase your risk of having this disorder.
  • Stress can also cause TMD as it tightens your face and jaw muscles and clenches your teeth.
  • Moving of soft cushions between the socket and the ball that is present inside the joint.

Symptoms of TMD?

  • Most people feel severe pain that gets unbearable with time. However, this depends on the severity of the disorder. 
  • You also face trouble in opening your mouth, which causes pain while opening your mouth or eating. 
  • Apart from this, you may also suffer from swelling in your jaw. You can also experience clicking or popping sounds every time you open your mouth.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness in your face.
  • Trouble and discomfort while chewing.
  • All of a sudden, you experience an uncomfortable bite. This is where your upper and lower teeth do not fit together. 
  • Tenderness felt in your face, jaw, neck, or shoulders.

TMD mainly affects one side of your mouth. However, you may experience it on both sides of your face.


  • Treating TMD depends on the factors that cause them and the severity of the disorder.
  • If the effect is minor, you do not need medications, and it will be cured by just applying ice packs.
  • You can also use painkillers to avoid the pain if the pain is not severe and no other symptoms are seen.
  • Another simple option is to use a mouthguard while sleeping. This will help reduce the grinding problem and simultaneously treat the disorder.
  • If home remedies do not help, it is advised that you consult a dentist. Your dentist will treat TMD by replacing your teeth with crowns, braces, or bridges according to your need.
  • This will help balance the biting surface and avoid over-biting.
  • Other treatments for TMD include injections in the trigger point, radio wave therapy, laser therapies, or even surgeries.

It is essential that if you see any symptoms and you are suffering from jaw pain, you contact your dentist to avoid future complications.

About Daniel Edison

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